Monday, November 25, 2013

biomecha doodle

This is what happens when I watch Evangelion for over 2 hours and think about Valvrave mech.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Goodra (Pokemon)

I also recorded the process for this drawing. If I ever find time to edit it and render it all I'll post that up, too.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Almicia Fauna: Grinner

Grinners are mammal-like reptiles that live in forested areas (primarily deciduous though some have been seen in sub-tropical rainforests).
Exclusively carnivorous, their mouths contain two sets of teeth. The first set is what is normally seen that gives them a ‘grinning’ appearance and is used help hold onto prey partially (two longer canines in this set) and rip flesh. The second set is an inner row of sharp teeth used exclusively to hold onto prey.
The horns are also considered teeth as they originate from within the jaw, behind the primary and secondary teeth. They serve to also keep prey in place as they did into the flesh and keep it there while the beast begins tearing away. They are also a defensive weapon against foes.
Though they live in forests they are not arboreal and cannot climb trees without much difficulty due to their short claws. They are also not very good runners and rely solely on ambush tactics to take down prey.
Grinners grow to be approx. 8 feet in length and 2 - 3 feet tall at the shoulder.
Coloration on males is generally duller browns and reds while females are adorned with brighter hues and striking patterns (depicted above). The spines vary from individual to individual and are thought to be indicative of age (shorter spines on younger Grinners, longer spines on older).

Monday, November 4, 2013

practice doodles

Practicing using a square brush (and rounded brush with same texture) to do some quick drawings. Asked some friends what to draw and they gave me a bunch of Pokemon.


[Sigilyph (tweaked the design on this one a lot to make it more of an alien-bird)]

rock gecko

Thursday, October 31, 2013

speedpainting, environment, character interaction practice

I'm beginning to practice more character interaction (with other characters and environments), environments, and 'speedpainting'. Here are two pieces I churned out over the past 2 days.
(This one was initially going to be a fully rendered/detailed piece but after completing the lineart I opted to go for a less refined look).

1.5 hours, square brush (speckle brush for dust effect), basic gradient tool

Gift art for a friend

Noivern (Pokemon) quick sketch

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Frogdragons are semi-aquatic, small reptiles that inhabit temperate and tropical regions. Like frogs they can leap significant distances. Their round bodies however cause their landings to be less than elegant often causing them to roll further than they intend.

Their diets consist of insects, fish, and small mammals. Occasionally they will attack and eat small and baby birds that wander in their path.

Frogdragons are relatively lax in nature but will not hesitate to bite anyone who attempts to pick one up. Small children are often drawn to their brightly colored bodies and end up being bitten. Some sub-species have been domesticated and have had their biting habits bred out of them.

These reptiles grow to be about the same size as a goliath bullfrog. Coloration depends on habitat however they always have brightly colored backs and sandy bellies. Their glistening scales help to lure curious animals in and then attack.

[Insect depicted in a Scale-Scatter Moth]

Work in progress shots under the cut.

Arboreal Oyrthirn

Another Almicia monster.

Oyrthirn are reptiles that inhabit all types of environments, each adapted to their specific habitat. Arboreal Oyrthirn such as this one often make a large tree that can support their massive frames their home for life. These reptiles eat primarily other animals but will not pass up fruits, roots, or anything else they can find that is edible.
The spines, a constant on all species, are mostly vestigial, a remnant from the originally underground-only species, do help somewhat in gripping branches. This particular sub-species have begun to evolve so that their spines lay flat on their bodies, turning into hardened scales that do indeed help them maneuver better.
Arboreal Oyrthirn reach up to lengths of 25 feet and live in temperate climates (tropical varieties also exist, however, they are exclusively called 'Jungle Oyrthirn' and vary from their temperate climate brethren in color, spine structures, skull structure).

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Vector, Cartoon Sword (+work in progress screens)

Gotta say, for my first real illustration using Illustrator I think I did a half-way decent job. I also have started enjoying this program more than I used to (more than I used to meaning I hated the program and wish it never existed).

Monday, August 5, 2013

Illustrator practice work in progress.

I watched 30 minutes of a beginner's Adobe Illustrator tutorial on youtube two days ago and those 30 minutes I learned more about that program than the semester-long graphic design course I took sophomore year in college.
For the first time since I've had this program I'm enjoying using it. Aside from my website's background image (which is a combination of Illustrator and Photoshop that was created through a lot of random copy and pasting and dumb luck) this image right here is the first Illustrator drawing I have ever made.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Semi-realistic Generation 6 Pokemon, Spritzee. Done in micron pen and colored pencils.

Here's the official art of Spritzee for comparison:

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dream Walker (+ work in progress screenshots)

A reanimated corpse that resides within the ruins of a long lost civilization. They make no noise, only the shuffling of their feet can be heard and the dragging cowl of entrails behind them. Attacking with enlarged, clawed hands Dream Walkers leave none alive. Due to people constantly trying to explore where they (Dream Walkers) 'live', they have developed an ability to distort electric fields causing after images of themselves to appear even when not in the same room.

Part of a series of creatures and characters from a very post-post-post-apocalyptic setting I came up with a few years ago in college. The overall theme was that centuries upon centuries after nuclear war tore Earth apart, civilization began building again but much of the environment became mutated due to radioactivity. 
You get things such as what used to be Komodo Dragons far in the past that are now bipedal Tyrannosaurid-type 'dragons' (they aren't quite dinosaurs so the term 'dragon' was coined for them). There are also supernatural elements to the world such as the Dream Walkers that are contained to a specific location in the world.
I'll make a compilation post eventually on the world and include some old drawings I did for the creatures and some characters.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pokefusion Craze from last month

*I actually forgot to officially published this entry a month ago so the art is a little over a month old.

From the Pokefusion craze that started again this year I've developed a new semi-style. I call it a semi-style because it's still in the beginning stages of being developed. For most of my cartoony pieces I'm going to focus on using this style of drawing.
Catersea & Caterdra

Kingking (Kingler + Nidoking)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Work in progress started today. Been very busy the last month due to work and about 2 weeks ago we found two stray kittens and have been looking after them in my downtime (one went to her forever home last week and the other will be going to his forever home next week).

Sunday, May 12, 2013

watercolor crayons doodles - Pokemon

Some more Pokemon for Generation 6 were revealed yesterday so I thought it'd be a good time to doodle some of them before work. The tiny bird and lizard-thing were just super quick doodles I didn't quite finish. Gogoat (the goat one) I continued and finished after work.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Getting back into the groove using water media (which is my absolute favorite medium to use, even though I'm not very well versed in it).
There's this big tree in our yard that blooms these clumps of pink flowers and stands out like a sore thumb every year and I love it to death when the petals start falling. It's been making me want to draw something with pink flowers for about a week now, thus this flowering, lion....thing.

Materials used are Caran d'Ache brand water soluble crayons. Done in about an hour.